Experience is the key ....

         Business, IT & Operational Services 

Consulting Services

H3D partners and associates a drawn from the Financial Services industry and carry a wealth of experience as practitioners in Investment Banking and Asset Management across business to technology, operations and finance. With a focus on change and transformation, H3D specialises in the provision of expertise across a range of functions and products to support customers undertaking programmes to develop their business and operational functions to scale, diversify, modernise or deliver efficiencies.

A Focus On Technology Delivery

Technology is central to many change initiatives, new businesses and efficiency drives and the delivery of complex programmes and projects often carries an IT element critical to success. H3D specialises in the field of IT strategy and architecture and extends this to provide important delivery know how working with third party solution providers, outsourcers and partner consulting practices.

Skills Portfolio

Providing real expertise is core to the H3D proposition. Introducing a new product or service, remodelling an existing capability or outsourcing a core function, H3D can deliver individual SMEs or a complete team to enhance your delivery function and assure success.